Tiffin Travelers Name Badges & Clothing
Page last updated 10/31/22
Tiffin Travelers Name Tags:
The Tiffin Travelers "Sheriff" is routinely on patrol at rallies and has been known to "assess" members for failure to wear name tags. Avoid the fine by wearing any non-offensive fashion of name tag with your first and last name on it. Purchase of the Tiffin Travelers name tag is not required.
Thank you to member Carol Mandik for taking the lead to find and setup our new name tag vendor, Tony Martin Awards, Inc. Below is a sample of the name tag. Members have the option of choosing a magnetic or pin-on version. The mail-in order form can be accessed and printed from the "NameBadgeOrderForm" link at the bottom of this page. The pricing and ordering instructions are contained within the form.
Tiffin Travelers Clothing Items:
Members interested in Tiffin Travelers shirts and jackets may order them from:
Mina's Embroidery and More
325 W Liberty Ave.
Lyons, GA 30436
(912) 380-4113
The clothing order form attached at the bottom of this page contains pictures, pricing information and descriptions of the jacket and shirt offered in a stone (tan) color with blue stitching. Each item is stitched with "Tiffin Travelers", the Tiffin logo (sample shown on the above name tag), and your name.
Questions concerning other colors, sizing, etc. should be directed to Mina's Embroidery. Please use the order form to place your orders.