Rallies and Gatherings

 Event information on this page is current as of 01/09/2025.  No updates since  01/09/2025..

Scheduled events are listed at the bottom of this page with event titles shown in green.   The chapter will be holding it's annual member meeting and election of officers during the March 2025 FMCA International Convention and RV Expo in Perry, GA

What are Tiffin Travelers “Rallies” and “Gatherings”? - 

“Rallies” - Tiffin Travelers have chapter member rallies numerous times a year in various locations throughout the eastern third of the country.  We go where our members want to go, and our members are spread throughout the vast area near the Mississippi River and everywhere east of it. Our chapter rallies are multi-day events almost always organized by Tiffin Travelers members for the enjoyment of our members, prospective members and guests.  These chapter rallies are posted in this section of our web site sufficiently in advance of the event to allow time for interested chapter members to register to attend.   These rallies usually have group planned outings, dinners and other activities for our members.  Preauthorized financial subsidies for chapter rallies are defined within the “Standing Rules” (a separate link on this site).

 We have chapter rallies only if our members or other volunteers step forward to organize them.   No volunteer hosts equal no rallies.  If any member is interested in hosting a rally, it is never too early to set those dates.  To schedule and host a chapter rally qualifying for financial subsidies, contact chapter officers by email at tiffintravelers@gmail.com to have your event posted to the web site and to receive assistance as needed with planning, communications and execution.

Our chapter rally schedule is dependent upon our members stepping forward to host and we look forward to you creating a busy calendar. 

“Gatherings” - It is also common for Tiffin Travelers to meet and glamp "together" at a larger organized event such as an FMCA International Convention or FMCA Area Rally or Allegro Club National Rally.  Because of the busy schedule of activities offered by organizers of these larger events, chapter activities are most often limited to the possibility of coach side afternoon social time or a very impromptu small group outing to a local restaurant.  However, we see our members in passing throughout each day of these events.  Our members often are attendee-volunteers assisting the organizers of these larger events.

The parking "together" at these Gatherings is tricky due to those very large events offering several different parking venue options for our members (handicap, volunteer, electric, generator, etc.).  To park together at one of these large events, attendees must register for the same type of hook-up situation and the event usually requires all those wanting to park together must also caravan into their parking site together.   Needless to say, given the intricacies of pulling this off, we very seldom have more than two or three of our coaches parked side by side.  We convene for fun regardless of how our coaches inevitably are spread about the grounds.   

Preauthorized financial subsidies for Gatherings are defined within the “Standing Rules” and are restricted to only the FMCA events where there would be a reasonable expectation of spurring new member enrollment.  Historically, those opportunities have borne fruit only at events in the geographic eastern third of the U.S, 

Tiffin owners who would like to be "Roughing It Smoothly" with us are encouraged to come and visit with us wherever we rally or gather.  

Prior year Rallies and Gatherings information has been moved from this page to the "Rally Archives" link.

Because we have so many members and friends, we have a friendly rule for all of our events:  Wear a name tag to all of our functions or incur a 50cent fine for each infraction.  The sheriff is always on the lookout.  Our Home page has a link for Name Badges, but purchasing one is not required.  Any label affixed to your clothing and bearing your name is considered valid for this purpose. 

Tiffin Travelers events on the drawing board as of  01/09/2025: 

FMCA International Convention and RV Expo - Event dates are March 12 - through 15, 2025. 

Our chapter's annual meeting and election of officers will occur during this event in Perry GA.  Registrations are now open for that FMCA event and registration information can be found at  Perry 2025 - FMCA Convention | FMCA .

Chapter members were email-surveyed during November and December to gauge interest in holding a chapter rally prior to Perry, during Perry, or after Perry.  The majority of the few responses received preferred a rally "during".  There were even fewer responses to a secondary email to support caravaning onto the grounds together because those few respondents have different arrival dates and different parking hookups.  Arrival dates and parking hookups must be identical in order to caravan onto the grounds together.

Present Rusty La Barre is coordinating the details of the on-site chapter meeting and any possibilities for socializing during the convention.   Stay tuned here for any updates related to Tiffin Travelers plans for Perry.

Anyone wanting to schedule and host a rally in 2025 can email us now and get your event on our calendar in order to allow chapter member registrations and to qualify to receive financial subsidies.  Email us at tiffintravelers@gmail.com.  If you don't volunteer to organize a rally, there will be no rallies.

Many, many thanks are extended to the chapter members and non-member friends stepping forward to host our rallies.    Check this page and its subpages periodically for event updates.