
Site Navigation depends upon the device you are using. The site’s landing page - this Home page – on a laptop will clearly display the navigation menu on the left.  On other devices the navigation menu might not be visible until you “click on” the three horizontal lines in the uppermost left corner of the screen (to the left of the Tiffin Travelers logo).   On all devices if you see this symbol ^ inverted to the left of a page title, clicking on it will reveal subpages of that topic. 

Thank you for your interest.

Stay tuned to the "Rallies and Gatherings" page of this website.  It is our calendar.   

This website's pages were reviewed on 10/2/2024.  Information displayed throughout the website is current as of 10/2/2024.  There have been no edits to pages since the dates reflected below as "last updated".

Welcome to the Tiffin Travelers Chapter of FMCA

Who we are - Our chapter of FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association) is a non-profit social group of people who own Tiffin brand motorhomes (Class A, B, C and Super C models). Our Chapter of FMCA is currently accepting new member enrollments and joining us is easy: own a Tiffin-made motorhome (Class A, B, C or Super C); and be a member of FMCA; and pay a nominal enrollment and annual member fee to our chapter. We've been "Roughing It Smoothly" since 2009 and have more than 100 member coaches spread throughout much of eastern North America. We're looking forward to meeting you at our next Tiffin Travelers rally or gathering!   Read on.......

What we do - What we do, when we do it, and where we do it are each limited only by the creativity, wanderlust and participation of our members. Our members are most often the volunteer-and-unpaid organizers and hosts of our events, but we won’t turn down the offer of a non-member putting forth the effort to organize our fun. Our fun events are known to us either as a “Chapter Rally” or a “Gathering”.  The small difference between the two is defined on the “Rallies and Gatherings” page of this website.   We encourage our members to step forward to organize future events.   No volunteer hosts equals no chapter events.

How to reach us - You can contact us via email at tiffintravelers@gmail.com   Before doing so, take a look around the information on our web site. We think we have covered anything you might need to know about us or want to know about us either on this page or within this site's document attachments or page links. 

How we communicate to our members – We do not use the postal mail for communications. We use only this web site (tiffintravelers.info) and infrequent emails (tiffintravelers@gmail.com) to keep our members laser focused on the most recent chapter news in a singular source – this web site. In every Newsletter we stress to members the importance of periodically checking this web site for updates (see web page revision dates below).  If a member doesn’t check this web site periodically, they will not stay up to date. We do not use other social media forums because of the inherent challenges of keeping official information up-to-date and in synch across multiple outlets. We periodically post a chapter Newsletter on this web site. Our members can refer to the web site for old communications because we archive the Newsletters and also the records of our Rallies and Gatherings.

We are very conscious of member concerns regarding privacy and do not publish our roster on the internet. At least once annually, usually near mid-year, we email the member roster to all members. A full member roster was last emailed to all members May 10, 2023.  Because this is done only once annually, members should keep a copy until the next annual distribution. New members added after roster distribution will receive the next scheduled roster distribution.

How we give back – Our current means of giving back to society is through donations to a certain set of charities defined within the “Standing Rules” page of this website.

When we do – We have no set frequency for our Chapter Rally or Gathering events and we encourage our members to step forward to host throughout the year when they see an opportunity that works into their travel schedule. Often the best locations are those found by a member during their travels, not while staying near their home, and those locations are worthy of a return trip with chapter members. Our version of a planning calendar is the “Rallies and Gatherings” pages of this web site. If we are doing it, you will see it there. If we are not doing it, you won’t see it there. 

Where we do – Our Chapter Rally and Gathering locations are dependent only upon the suggestions and participation of our members. Our membership is predominately in the vast area east of the Mississippi River, from Canada to Key West, but we do have a few members outside of that large area. Maintaining membership in such a large area has required we focus our efforts in the eastern portion of the U.S. with rare ventures that take us just west of the Mississippi. We have held our chapter Rallies in New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Louisianna and Florida...just to name a few locations. Some of our Gatherings have been in North Carolina, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Massachusetts during FMCA International Conventions and FMCA Area Rallies and Allegro Club National Rallies. Remember, often the best locations are those found by a member during their travels, not while staying near their home, and those locations are worthy of a return trip with chapter members (but some of us do live in wonderful places to bring friends). If you want to rally or gather with other chapter members somewhere near your home base or somewhere much further from your home, name the spot and we'll help you plan it. We have members with lots of experience doing long-distance event planning.

How to join our fun - The "Member Enrollment" form can be found and accessed at the bottom of this page.  The initial enrollment fee of $22 includes the first year of dues.    Subsequent annual renewals are $12.  Enrollment and annual dues fees are non-refundable.  We accept checks payable to Tiffin Travelers or cash (if paying in person).  

Regarding annual dues - As a result of too few chapter events having been scheduled by our members, the Executive Board of Tiffin Travelers ruled that member renewal fees (dues) for 2024 will not be collected from any member in good standing as of 10/1/23.   Email notification of this "2024 dues forgiveness" was sent to all qualifying members October 2023. 

The member year expires annually at month-end December.  Under normal operating procedures, dues renewals are payable annually on January 1st. The customary billing process will resume near year-end 2024 only if members begin to organize chapter activities (rallies).  Once billing processes resume, timely remittance is encouraged for the purpose of avoiding additional follow-up billing reminder notices.  Any members unpaid by March month-end, the end of a normal annual billing cycle, will be dropped from the roster and all future communications.   New members joining September 1st through December 31st of each year are considered "paid" for the remainder of that current calendar year and all of the coming calendar year.   The first clue to member dues status: If you receive any emails from tiffintravelers@gmail.com, then you are paid up through year-end unless said email is a billing notice.     

Our governance - Our Chapter Bylaws and Standing Rules can be found by links found in the site's dropdown menu. The Standing Rules, voted into action by our members during annual business meetings, outline and pre-authorize allowable expenditures from the Chapter Treasury. The focus of the preauthorized expenses is to conduct ongoing and reoccurring business; reward participating members; and, to stimulate new membership. The Chapter Treasury consists of funds collected from enrollment and dues payments of chapter members. Those funds are disbursed in accordance with Standing Rules to best spread their use for the benefit of the many members who created them. The preauthorized expenses are considered partial compensation and assist our goals of the related activities: being less expensive for participating members; stimulating new membership via social opportunities; and, not being money makers for the chapter, the participants, or the hosts.  For a chapter "rally" to qualify for subsidies it must be advertised in advance on our website to allow our full membership an opportunity to consider attending.   Subsidies for chapter "gatherings" are more restrictive and are limited to only certain FMCA events.  

To aid our members in being up to date on chapter happenings: If we are doing it, it can be found on this web site. Our version of a planning calendar is our "Rallies and Gatherings" pages of this web site. Pages found using links found on the site's dropdown menu were last updated as indicated here.   If you see a link noted here as "last updated" since you last looked, click now on that link (found in the site's dropdown menu).

 When we migrated during 2020 to a newer version of Google Sites, the site format changed slightly, and a few pics and rally archive documents were lost in the process.   

    Newsletters - Last updated 05/10/23 (May 2023 Newsletter posted)

    Rallies and Gatherings - Last updated 10/2/24 - Page updated to reflect cancellation of October GEAR and business meeting.

   Meeting Minutes - Last updated 5/15/24  (March 15, 2023 Minutes corrected)

   Chapter Bylaws - Last updated 3/22/23 (Revised Bylaws)

   Standing Rules - Last updated 2/6/19

   Rally Archives and Rally Guide - Last updated 7/4/23 (July Pocono rally moved to here)

   Factory Recalls - Last updated 7/4/24

   Tiffin Travelers Names Badges and Clothing - Last updated 10/31/22 (purchase is not required)

   Club pictures - Last updated 10/18/20 (Only a few pics remain after loss during site migration)

Club Officers Elected March 15, 2023 and serving June 1, 2023 through May 2025 are:

President - Rusty LaBarre, F031841

Vice President - Bill Murton, F386571

Secretary Treasurer - Frances Fonner, F372164, tiffintravelers@gmail.com

National Director - Pat Murton, F386571


Member Enrollment Form - Tiffin Travelers Chapter of FMCA.pdf

MEMBER ENROLLMENT FORM -   To the left is a pdf formatted version of the Member Enrollment form.  Click near the upper corner of it for an active link to a printable copy.

If you prefer to print from a Word doc format, use the image below by clicking near the upper  corner of it for an active link to a printable copy.

Member Enrollment Form - Tiffin Travelers Chapter of FMCA.doc